CO2 Smart Tech obtains the ARDAN indicators: Innovative Company and Global Company

CO2 Smart Tech obtains the ARDAN indicators: Innovative Company and Global Company

CO2 Smart Tech has obtained the  ARDÁN indicators: Innovative Company and Global Company, which evaluate the innovative performance and internationalization effort.

The Innovative Company indicator is an acknowledgment of the innovative performance of our R&D Development Department, taking into account variables such as the effort in innovation, training, size of the R&D department, R&D cooperation, …, among others factors.

El indicador Empresa Global, tiene en cuenta variables como el nº de clientes extranjeros, volumen de exportaciones, países a los que exporta, en la actualidad el sistema co2st-TEM está implantado a nivel industrial y gran terciario en: E.E.U.U., México, Panamá, República Dominicana, El Salvador, EAU (Dubai), Reino Unido, Alemania, Portugal, Corea del Sur y Namibia.

The ARDÁN Report analyzes the business activity and economic development of Galician companies, offering a global and detailed vision of the evolution of the competitiveness of companies and sectors of the economy of Galicia.

Este reconocimiento respalda el compromiso de CO2 Smart Tech con la innovación y la internacionalización, para que co2st-TEM continúe siendo el software de monitorización industrial y gestión energética de referencia en el mercado.

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cost|TEM is an innovative energy monitoring, control and management software with advanced features, applicable to any sector, compatible with hardware from multiple manufacturers and offering a comprehensive approach to energy management.