System that responds to the needs of energy managers of multiple points of consumption at an industrial or large tertiary level through the daily remote reading of the electricity company meter.

Economical, agile and intuitive, immediate implementation (does not require the installation of metering equipment), it is preconfigured to automate energy management tasks such as: power optimization, reports, alarms.

4% - 8%

Energy savings

< 1 month


1 day

Start-up time


Our customers say

“The implementation of wi|TEM has made it easier for Grupo Louzao to make decisions regarding energy management and efficiency that have led to cost reductions and energy consumption of more than 10%, with the consequent reduction in GHG emissions.”

Matilde Fernández

Head of sustainability, quality and people – Louzao Group


“For several years, the Comar Group has implemented the CO2 Smart Tech management system in several of our facilities, which has allowed us to improve the correct use of energy, achieving great progress in environmental management and cost savings in our monitored facilities.”

Victor Lastra

Head of maintenance department – Comar Group


Try wi|TEM

wi|TEM is an energy management solution that will allow you to immediately have energy management under control (billing, excess power, automatic reporting…) of the supply points under your supervision.


System functionalities

wi|TEM automates

wi|TEM allows

wi|TEM reports


Relevant information at a glance.

Configure all kinds of indicators to facilitate the monitoring of really important information and automate the sending of reports (customizable or standard) based on the user’s needs and their role in the organization.

Reduction of energy consumption and verification of implemented measures.

Accessing detailed information on your cost centers, equipment and systems will allow you to focus on priority areas for analysis and action, having specific reports for monitoring and verifying the correct evolution of the measures implemented.

Achieve Sustainability – ESG goals.

Automate and report the calculation of the Carbon Footprint and facilitate the obtaining of international sustainability certifications (ISO 50001, Leed, Breeam, GRESB, etc).

Módulo Sostenibilidad

¿Sabe cuándo, cómo, dónde y por qué genera Huella de Carbono?

¿Sabe cómo reducir sus emisiones GEI?

La implantación de cost|TEM facilita a su organización alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad:

Módulo Fotovoltaico

¿Estoy sacando el máximo provecho de mi instalación fotovoltaica?

cost|TEM permite relacionar en tiempo real a través de gráficos e informes los datos de producción y consumo de energía e información meteorológica, facilitando verificar el rendimiento y funcionamiento de la instalación según los parámetros con los que fue diseñada.

El módulo permite obtener toda la información histórica (en días, semanas, horas…) de múltiples variables de producción fotovoltaica y consumo energético, como pueden ser kWh, Euros, porcentaje de generación respecto al consumo, generación, radiación solar, coste equivalente de kWh generado según tarifa contratada, kWh/minutos de sol o kWh/m2, entre otros. Esta información puede mostrarse bien de forma agrupada, sobre el total de la planta, o bien de forma detallada sobre cada uno de los inversores.

Módulo Validación Masiva

¿Cuánto tiempo dedica a la revisión de sus facturas eléctricas?

¿Acepta las facturas sin revisarlas?

La importación y validación masiva de facturas permite automatizar el trabajo de revisión de facturas de todas las instalaciones bajo su supervisión.

De manera sencilla, rápida y económica, nuestro sistema permite importar ficheros de facturación eléctrica de las diferentes comercializadoras (independientemente del tipo de tarifa), calculando de manera automática los distintos valores económicos de dichas facturas, comprobando y alertando sobre posibles desvíos.

Además, permite la gestión del seguimiento del estado de incidencias y reclamaciones a través de su gestor de eventos basado en Kanban.

Sustainability Module

Do you know when, how, where and why you generate your Carbon Footprint?

Do you know how to lower your GHG emissions?

Implementing cost|TEM makes it easier for your organization to achieve its sustainability goals:

Photovoltaic module

Am I getting the most out of my photovoltaic installation?

cost|TEM allows you to relate energy production and consumption data with weather information with the help charts and reports, making it easier to verify the performance and operation of the installation according to the parameters with which it was designed.

This module allows obtaining all the historical information (in days, weeks, hours…) of multiple variables of photovoltaic production and energy consumption, such as kWh, cost, generation-consumption ratio, generation, solar radiation, equivalent cost of kWh generated according to contracted rate, kWh/minutes of sunshine or kWh/m², among others. This information can be displayed either in a grouped way, on the total of the plant, or in detail on each of the inverters.

Módulo Validación Masiva

How much time do you spend reviewing your electric bills?

Do you accept invoices without checking them?

The massive import and validation of invoices allows you to automate the work of reviewing invoices for all the facilities under your supervision.

In a simple, fast and economic way, our system allows you to import electricity billing files from the different suppliers (regardless of the type of tariff), automatically calculating the different economic values of said invoices, checking and alerting about possible deviations.

In addition, it allows the management of monitoring the status of incidents and claims through its Kanban-based event manager.