The CO2 Smart Tech partners program offers you the best energy management-ESG solutions, tailored to your needs and those of your clients.

The current situation of the price of energy and the commitments in terms of sustainability make, today more than ever, the work of the energy manager in all types of organizations necessary.

Having systems that simplify the work of the energy manager, adapting to the needs of their final customer, regardless of their sector, will allow them to focus on actions that provide greater added value to their customers, automating energy management tasks, which until now consumed a great deal of energy. amount of time to energy managers.

In addition to saving time and human resources, you will be able to provide a better service to your customers, reduce the response time to your queries, minimize errors when analyzing your energy consumption and costs, and the possibility of offering new services, increasing customer loyalty of your customers and revenue for your organization.


Why become a CO2 Smart Tech Partner?

Becoming a CO2 Smart Tech partner will bring you benefits, allowing you to offer new services that will increase your profits and client portfolio. Additionally, it will facilitate customer loyalty.



Benefits of being a CO2 Smart Tech Partner

Who can become a CO2 Smart Tech Partner?

Our energy monitoring and management systems respond to the needs of their customers so that they can offer the best solutions and services to:

CO2 Smart Tech Partner case study

Enertra Eficiencia energética
Enertra is a Spanish engineering, consulting and legal firm, specialized in the energy sector dedicated to the management of energy resources for all types of organizations.


Enertra is a Spanish engineering, consulting and legal firm, specialized in the energy sector dedicated to the management of energy resources for all types of organizations.
More information

How to become a Partner?

It is very easy to become a partner of CO2 Smart Tech:

Request to become a Partner

Fill in the contact form, which will allow us to assess which program best suits your needs.

Presentation meeting

We will present our solutions and the benefits of the partner program, as well as answer any questions that may arise.

Draft contract

Once the confidentiality agreement is signed, we will discuss the details of our relationship, including promotional materials and actions, support and training.


Once the contract has been signed, we will we will get down to work.

Caso de éxito partner CO2 SmartTech

Enertra Eficiencia energética

Enertra es una empresa de ingeniería y eficiencia energética que ofrece servicios integrales de ingeniería, consultoría energética y asesoría jurídica a organizaciones de todo tipo de tamaños a nivel industrial y gran terciario.


A través de su servicio Enercontroller (contrato anual de servicios de gestión energética, consultoría y asesoría jurídica basado en la monitorización de consumos energéticos a través de wi|TEM*), ha permitido a los departamentos técnicos, de consultoría y jurídicos disponer en una única herramienta para la automatización de tareas de gestión energética:

Además de disponer de una herramienta avanzada que cuenta con una amplia gama de funcionalidades de análisis.

La utilización de nuestras soluciones ha supuesto un importante ahorro de tiempo a su personal para poder centrarse en tareas de gestión energética que aporten un mayor valor añadido a sus clientes.

Gracias a que wi|TEM* es una solución económica, intuitiva y de implantación inmediata, en menos de 48 horas les permite dar de alta a sus nuevos clientes, disponiendo desde el primer momento de información histórica para poder comenzar con la gestión energética de cualquier tipo de instalación.


Para aquellos clientes en los que es necesario profundizar en la gestión energética y técnica de sus procesos y sistemas, Enertra opta por migrarlos a cost|TEM, con la ventaja de disponer de una herramienta más completa, avanzada y en tiempo real (actualización cada 1-2 segundos). Ambos sistemas comparten un mismo interfaz, ya dominado por el personal técnico de Enertra.


Reducción recursos temporales


Reducción tiempo respuesta


Reducción errores monitorización

*wi|TEM sólo disponible para el mercado eléctrico Español.

CO2 Smart Tech Partner Case Study

Enertra Eficiencia energética

Enertra is a Spanish engineering, consulting and legal firm, specialized in the energy sector dedicated to the management of energy resources for all types of organizations.


Through its Enercontroller service (annual contract for energy management, consultancy and legal advice services based on monitoring energy consumption through wi|TEM*), it has allowed technical, consulting and legal departments to have access to a single tool for automating energy management tasks:

In addition to having an advanced tool that has a wide range of analysis functionalities.

The use of our solutions has meant a significant saving of time for your staff to be able to focus on energy management tasks that provide greater added value to your customers.

Thanks to the fact that wi|TEM* is an economical, intuitive and immediate implementation solution, in less than 48 hours it allows them to register their new clients, having historical information available from the first moment to be able to start with the energy management of any installation type.


For those clients in which it is necessary to deepen the energy and technical management of their processes and systems, Enertra chooses to migrate them to cost|TEM, with the advantage of having a more complete, advanced and real-time tool (updating every 1 -2 seconds). Both systems share the same interface, already mastered by Enertra’s technical staff.


Reduction of temporary resources


Response time reduction


Reduction of monitoring errors

*wi|TEM only available for the Spanish electricity market.