
CO2 Smart Tech obtains the ARDAN indicators: Innovative Company and Global Company

CO2 Smart Tech has obtained the  ARDÁN indicators: Innovative Company and Global Company, which evaluate the innovative performance and internationalization effort. The Innovative Company indicator is an acknowledgment of the innovative performance of our R&D Development Department, taking into account variables such as the effort in innovation, training, size of

CO2 Smart Tech, winner of the SEUA – Mindtech Award in the Energy Efficiency category

CO2 Smart Tech has won the “Energy Efficiency Award” category in the SEUA-Mindtech awards for the “Cloud Computing project applied to Integral Energy Management in Industry 4.0” carried out by CIE Galfor, a company belonging to the industrial automotive multinational corporation group CIE Automotive. The “Energy Efficiency Award” has awarded

CO2 Smart Tech, present at the Mindtech 2019 Fair

CO2 Smart Tech will show during the Mindtech Fair 2019 the new features incorporated into the new version of the system: production module, smart alarms, SCADA-web Control, ISO 50001, …, new features of its technical-energy management system co2st-TEM which are already benefiting reference industries from different sectors at national and

CO2 Smart Tech present at the conference “PROMETHEUS: IOT PLATFORM for safe and sustainable manufacturing in distributed environments”

CO2 Smart Tech present at the “PROMETHEUS: IOT PLATFORM for safe and sustainable manufacturing in distributed environments” conference, organized by the Galcia ICT Demonstration Center – CDTIC.Prometheus is an innovative project, to be developed in the years 2018-2020, which Its objectives are: Improve monitoring and communication of manufacturing centers Optimize

CO2 Smart Tech – Presentation of Business Factory Food (BFFood)

CO2 Smart Tech present at the presentation of Business Factory Food (BFFood), the first Galician accelerator in the food sector. With great desire to know first hand the program and objectives of this accelerator born from the collaboration of La Xunta de Galicia and the Food Cluster of Galicia (CLUSAGA). Experts

CO2 Smart Tech participates in Conference organized by Food for Life

This week CO2 Smart Tech has participated as a partner in the Training and Technology Transfer working group organized by Food for Life. In this working group, multiple training proposals have been presented that will be carried out throughout the year, including the realization of an energy efficiency day. The