Multipoint energy management

wi|TEM centralizes in a single tool the analysis and control of the energy consumption of your facilities.

Multi-site companies
Business groups & Corporations
Energy efficiency consultants
Electrical traders

Immediate implementation

wi|TEM does not require the installation of measurement equipment, since it remotely accesses the information of the electric company’s meter.

By remotely reading the electricity company meter, wi|TEM allows the downloading and processing of energy consumption information from the different supply points of your organization, facilitating the control, management and saving of energy costs.

Advanced technology

Based on the cost|TEM integral monitoring system and technical-energy management, implemented in more than 175 installations of national and international companies, both in the Industrial and Tertiary Sector.



KPI Indicators

Indicators allow simple and clear access to data and information on the actual use of the capacity of a piece of equipment or system in situations of real demand versus its installed capacity.


Sample data representing magnitudes of different nature for analysis, including automatic alarm warnings and indications inserted by the user.


Automatic sending of user-configured alarms


Simple and advanced analysis tools for detection and evaluation of improvements, anomalies, time comparison, ..., and definition of mathematical relations between them.

Measurement and Verification (M&V)

Detailed analysis of the result of the investments made and the savings associated with them, both in kWh and in cost

Base Lines

Elaboration of base lines, which allow predicting consumption, determining savings and simulating the behavior of the installation in different scenarios.


Issuance of invoices with company readings.

Electric offers

Comparator of offers from different marketers

Power optimization and reactive excess

It allows to automatically know the penalties for reactive and excess power.


information on the real hourly final price (including market price, system costs, tolls, ...) of the next day's energy (in addition to the current day), which allows establishing the operating set up / programming / planning of the facilities optimizing energy costs (for Spain & Portugal).

Heat map

Very useful when you have very large data sets. Allows you to see how energy consumption has been distributed or how the values of a certain variable have evolved over time.


It allows to calculate the real energy demand of a building or installation according to the specified temperature and the real average temperature of the day. For example, to maintain a certain comfort temperature.


Automation of the calculation of Carbon Footprint (scopes I, II, and III)
following the indications of the MITECO (Spain's Ministry for the Ecological Transition) and GHG Protocol.