cost|TEM recognized as one of the most representative Energy Management & Optimization vendors by Gartner.

cost|TEM recognized as one of the most representative Energy Management & Optimization vendors by Gartner.

Gartner® has has published its Market Guide for EMOS (Energy Management Operation Systems) including, for the second consecutive year, cost|TEM, our energy & ESG management system.  

Gartner® considers that EMOS are critical to organisations’ core value chain, as they directly connect the manufacturing environment to corporate sustainability initiatives by showing the potential to reduce or directly reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 energy-driven emissions.

The Gartner Market Guide considers EMOS should be part of the enterprise’s operations software architecture to both manage operations and ensure effective data sharing across organisational silos. EMOS buyers should articulate their adjacent business ambitions and include data sharing and related integrations as part of their scope. The ability to share data and interact with these systems improves data quality, ensures transparency and enhances the user experience.

CO2 Smart Tech is proud to be part of this guide together with the most representative vendors worldwide.

Try cost|TEM

cost|TEM is an innovative energy monitoring, control and management software with advanced features, applicable to any sector, compatible with hardware from multiple manufacturers and offering a comprehensive approach to energy management.