CO2 Smart Tech present at the 7th edition of the Galician Engineering, Energy and Industry Conferences (# xeei18): Horizon 2020. 11/28/2018

CO2 Smart Tech present at the 7th edition of the Galician Engineering, Energy and Industry Conferences (# xeei18): Horizon 2020. 11/28/2018

Organized by the Illustrious Official College of Industrial Engineers of Galicia in its Delegation of Santiago, the seventh edition of the Xornadas de enxeñeria, enerxía e Industria ( # xeei2018) is celebrated , being its title Horizon 2020. On this seventh occasion the XEEI will it consolidates as the informative reference event in the energy sector, with great success both in the public and in the quality of the presentations presented in the previous six editions.

In this seventh edition, the XEEI is structured in two round tables formed by professionals from the sector in Galicia.

The opening of the Day will take place at 17:15 and will be in charge of Mr. Fernando Blanco Silva, Delegate of the Delegation of Santiago of the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Galicia.


5:30 p.m. TABLE 1

MODERA: Ms. Ana Gordillo Durán. Industrial engineering

TRENDS IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY, by Mr. Daniel Prieto Renda, industrial engineer of Soltec Engineers.

INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE ENERGY SECTOR, by Mr. Juan Berea Cruz, Industrial Engineer of Applus Norcontrol.

STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTED GENERATION, by Mr. Carlos Rivas Pereda, Dr. Engineer at ELINSA.


7:00 p.m. TABLE 2

MODERA: Ms. Raquel Maquieira Diz, member of the Association of Industrial Engineers of Galicia (AIIG)

FUTURE TRENDS IN ENERGY MANAGEMENT: NEW TOOLS, by D. Rubém Gayoso Taboada, Industrial Engineer of ITMATI.

TRENDS IN WIND OFFSHORE, by Mr. Francisco García, Industrial Engineer of Enel Greenpower.

TRENDS IN WIND ONSHORE: by Mr. Ernesto Rodríguez Blanco, Industrial Engineer of Adelanta Ingeniería.

7:45 p.m. CLOSURE

Mr. Oriol Sarmiento Díez, Dean of the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Galicia.

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